United for your success: Maximise your sales opportunities with us
Buying and selling can be done by anyone, but getting it right is another story.
To do this well, you need good professionals who are at the cutting edge of modern business techniques, tools, services and technology. Genuine experts in their markets and, above all, who truly look after the client's interests.
Our working methodology consists of union is strength, IBEMAR is a member of several national and local real estate agency groups.
By entrusting the management of the sale of your property to our team, IBEMAR will use all its resources to find the buyer of your property, but not only that! Through IBEMAR, which will be the sole interlocutor with the owner, more than 4000 professionals and 500 highly qualified agencies will also be able to offer your property to their portfolio of clients and investors. All of them will work in a coordinated manner, complying with the ethical codes of the groups and under the direct supervision of the IBEMAR agent in charge of the property, guaranteeing efficient and personalised management at every stage of the process.
At IBEMAR, if the sale of the property is finally carried out jointly with another agency in the group, we split our fees for the operation, thus multiplying the sales opportunities.
We call this way of working multiple sales management, also known as MULTIEXCLUSIVE.